Catholic Homeschooling
Catholic families recognize that the education of their children is one of their most important duties. Here you'll find Catholic curriculum suppliers, support groups, and ideas for integrating your faith and your homeschooling life.
Catholic Homeschooling
Married (with a lot) of Children
A candid look at the challenges and joys of raising a large family in a hostile world. This article is written from a Catholic perspective, but has food for thought for any parent of a large brood.
Love2Learn: Favorite Resources for Catholic Homeschoolers
A free resource guide, research tool, and sampler for Catholic parents and others who "love to learn." Offers information about available educational resources, detailed reviews about a book's contents in order to help others make more informed purchasing decisions, and information about issues of importance to Catholics as they come up in educational materials. The editor and review board are experienced Catholic homeschoolers.
A Little Way of Homeschooling

This book is a compilation of the experiences of 13 different homeschoolers and how they incorporated an unschooling style of teaching in their homes. This book addresses the question of whether a Catholic can happily and successfully unschool. This home education approach is presented as a sensible way to access the mystery of learning, in which it operates not as an ideology in competition with the Catholic faith, but rather a flexible and individual homeschooling path. 

5 Essential Keys to Your Perfect College Search
The whole college selection process can be a daunting challenge for Catholic families, both to those searching for the first-time, and even to those who have gone through the process before. Going to college can change a person’s life forever, including where he ends up for eternity. After all those years of sacrificing to give their children the best possible Catholic education, many parents are confronted with a huge decision. This advice will help prospective college students and their parents make this decision.
Catholic Home Schooling: A Handbook for Parents
Mary Kay Clark, the director of the accredited and successful Seton Home Study School shows parents why and how to teach their children at home, giving scores of practical examples and setting forth the spiritual, moral and academic advantages. The book includes chapters by several experts and covers Catholic curriculum, textbooks, Catholic family life, legal aspects, discipline, socialization, home management, using computers, children with learning disabilities, single-parent home schooling, the father's role, Catholic home schooling support groups, and much more. Perfect for mothers who are considering home schooling, or who want to convince their husbands or relatives that home schooling is a good idea. Parents already know the problems in the schools (both public and Catholic). This book gives the solution! A tremendously encouraging, uplifting and practical handbook. 
Please Don't Drink the Holy Water
Susie Lloyd faces the trials and joy of raising a happy, active Catholic family.
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education

In this book, Laura Berquist offers a curriculum based on the philosophy of the classical Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This valuable tools helps home educators craft a liberal arts curriculum that is good for both the soul and the intellect. The material in the book covers grades K-12 and has detailed and practical advice. There is also a section for a high school curriculum and a list of resources. 

Guiding Your Catholic Preschooler
There can be no greater delight in parenting than passing on the Faith to the next generation. To help with that glorious responsibility comes Guiding Your Catholic Preschooler, a parents handbook to home-based religious instruction for the youngest members of the family. Filled with practical ideas, developmental guidelines, and a contagious enthusiasm for the treasures of the Catholic Faith, this exciting guide makes raising truly Catholic kids one of life s greatest pleasures. Recommended in Catholic Heritage Preschool Author: Kathy Pierce Pages: 176, Paperback Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor ISBN: 087973-392-6
A Catholic Homeschool Treasury: Nurturing Children's Love for Learning

This book reviews different approaches to learning and different homeschooling methods. Read parents' perspectives and learn more about homeschooling issues. 

Tips for Growing Your Children in the Catholic Faith
Explore some ideas to help you in your quest for growing your children in the Catholic faith.
Support for Catholic Homeschoolers in Michigan
Charlotte Mason Group for Fruity Catholics
Fruity Catholics are Catholics who are doing their best to practice the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, especially Charity. This group discusses the Charlotte Mason philosophy of homeschooling from a Catholic perspective.
Large Family Logistics
The purpose of Large Family Logistics is to help Christian homeschooling mothers with the daily tasks of home management.
Catholic Homemaking and Homeschooling
This discussion group/email list is focused on the rich Catholic heritage and how to incorporate the Liturgical year into your daily life as a homeschooling family.
Catholic Homeschool Network of America (CHSNA)
CHSNA is a national Catholic homeschool organization whose purpose is to represent homeschoolers' interests with diocesan officials and church and/or church-related organizations such as the NCEA, collaborate with other national homeschool groups to assure that concerns and interests of Catholics are represented, and to maintain contacts with Church officials both in America and in Rome. Join with leaders from across the nation at the annual Round Table of Catholic Home School Leaders and present to them the concerns you have shared with us.
Catholic Home Schooling - Michiana
This is a group of Catholic home school families in the Michiana area. Their goal is to promote and support Catholic homeschooling.
Large Families Home School
This list is to encourage and support those who homeschool many children. How many? To some 3 is a lot! If you have a large family (whether natural, adopted, foster or blended) and homeschool, you know that there are a lot of unique challenges ranging from orchestrating family harmony, dealing with multiple ages, trying to homeschool in a sometimes chaotic environment, keeping up with the never-ending laundry, transportation, cooking, chores, and more. This is a Christian list.
Catholic Homeschoolers of Wisconsin
This is a private list for leaders of Catholic homeschool support groups within the state of Wisconsin (or in border towns in Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, and UP Michigan). It is a place to exchange information that may be of interest to Catholic homeschoolers throughout the state. It is also a forum for the dissemination of statewide invitations to various Catholic homeschooling events, such as conferences, graduations, dances, etc.
Livable Learning
Livable Learning helps the homeschooler and parent “Prepare the Home Environment” for learning. They discuss the order of the home, how to organize student learning materials, and the spiritual preparation of the teacher. The foundation of Livable Learning is Montessori education, however the basic principles will benefit any homeschooling family.
Catholic WinterPromise
This is a group for Catholics who are using WinterPromise curriculum for their homeschooling. This group was founded to help Catholic families wanting to use this great curriculum but want to make sure it aligns with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Mater Amabilis Teacher Training Forum
Mater Amabilis is a free online homeschool curriculum, which takes the methods of Charlotte Mason and applies them for the 21st century Catholic family. Offering a detailed and flexible syllabus for each age level, Mater Amabilis can be used as a complete curriculum or simply as a springboard for learning. This online teacher training forum provides support in implementing the methods of Charlotte Mason and tips for adapting these methods to today's family.
OLVS Curriculum Support Group
This email support group is a place to discuss homeschooling with OLVS curriculum.
Catholic Learning Materials
This group's focus is towards Catholics using Montessori in their homeschooling.
Homeschoolers & Catholic Colleges
And What About College?: How Homeschooling Can Lead to Admissions to the Best Colleges & Universities
Get all your questions about helping your homeschooled student apply and get accepted to college answered with this resource. It discusses transcripts, diplomas, education choices, online colleges, and more. If you are worried about whether your homeschooled student can have a successful college search, then this book will help allay those fears and offers good support and information. 
5 Essential Keys to Your Perfect College Search
The whole college selection process can be a daunting challenge for Catholic families, both to those searching for the first-time, and even to those who have gone through the process before. Going to college can change a person’s life forever, including where he ends up for eternity. After all those years of sacrificing to give their children the best possible Catholic education, many parents are confronted with a huge decision. This advice will help prospective college students and their parents make this decision.
Catholic Curriculum & Programs
Mater Amabilis
Mater Amabilis is a free online homeschool curriculum, which takes the methods of Charlotte Mason and applies them for the 21st century Catholic family. Offering a detailed and flexible syllabus for each age level, Mater Amabilis can be used as a complete curriculum or simply as a springboard for learning.
Angelicum Academy
The Angelicum Academy is a Catholic homeschool and liberal education program based on the liberal arts and the classical great books of Western civilization (with optional, Socratic discussion seminars). Offers a fully developed homeschool elementary curriculum for grades preschool through 8th, selected eclectically for the very finest materials available from numerous publishers.
Mother of Divine Grace School
Mother of Divine Grace is an independent study program with emphasis on a classical curriculum. The program offers a Catholic, classical approach to home schooling, with different levels of service provided. The program offers consultants, teachers, lesson plans, materials, standardized testing, and assessments, along with structure and flexibility.
Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy
St. Thomas Aquinas Academy offers a Catholic classical liberal arts curriculum is an independent study program crafted for the home schooling family, for preschool to grade 12. This program gently prepares the child to learn from the Great Books and understand the great ideas essential to that same work of integrating faith with reason. A classical presentation of English and Latin grammar and the arts and sciences equips the student with the tools of learning; a cyclical study of the grand eras of western civilization – Greek, Roman, Old World and New – guides the student (and the teaching parent!) through the historical and literary masterpieces that for centuries have inspired students to noble academic effort.
Regina Coeli Academy
Regina Coeli Academy is an on-line college preparatory program for Roman Catholics. Provides a Liberal Arts program for Catholic home-schooling families, private schools, educational coops, and students enrolled in public schools. The Academy's mission is to support, but not to supplant, the primary educator - the parent - by providing a rigorous college preparatory curriculum which challenges the intellect and nourishes the spirit with the riches of the Catholic tradition. Regina Coeli's own courses are taught at the college preparatory level and provide opportunity for students, young or mature, to excel in specialized study or to complete a classical liberal arts curriculum. Provides live classroom participation, interactive web forums, evaluation of student work and official transcripts.
Kolbe Academy Home School
Kolbe Academy Home School is an orthodox Catholic and classical home school program for grades K-12. Offers a classical academic program, syllabi and week-by-week course plans, assessment services, books, and more.
Our Lady of Victory School
Our Lady of Victory School provides curricula and textbooks to parents who school their children at home. Our Lady of Victory School allows parents to choose from various standardized or specially tailored programs, with a full enrollment option or a satellite program.
Catholic Heritage Curricula
Catholic Heritage Curricula offers complete curriculum for Catholic homeschoolers. Also features free curriculum ideas.
Mercy Academy
Mercy Academy is a K-12 independent study program for home educators, committed to home education as a way of preserving childhood innocence and nurturing Catholic scholars known for their deep spirituality and keen intellect. Services include: learning profile assessments, individualized curricula development, instruction in teaching to each child’s style of learning, student accountability program, counseling in multi-level teaching, subject integration allowing siblings to learn together, problem solving, record keeping, report cards, transcripts, diploma, and student clubs. Each year students study Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, History, and one or two electives.
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education

In this book, Laura Berquist offers a curriculum based on the philosophy of the classical Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This valuable tools helps home educators craft a liberal arts curriculum that is good for both the soul and the intellect. The material in the book covers grades K-12 and has detailed and practical advice. There is also a section for a high school curriculum and a list of resources. 

Catholic Homeschool Materials
Emmanuel Books
Offers Catholic books and homeschooling materials, with an emphasis on materials recommended by Laura Berquist.
Alan Jemison Music
Catholic publisher of the best and most affordable music instruction materials for homeschoolers and self-learners. Publisher of the most comprehensive collection of hymn arrangements for piano.
El Camino Real Bookstore
El Camino Real Bookstore publishes out-of-print Catholic treasures and preserves Catholic heritage by offering Catholic titles which taught our forefathers the unchanging truths of the Catholic faith.
By Way of the Family
By Way of the Family offers homeschool supplies, materials, and curricula. Shop online or visit their store in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Catholic Rubber Stamps
Catholic Rubber Stamps offers rubber stamps, kits, activity ideas, and more.
Guardian Angel Books
Guardian Angel Books offers a special selection of beautiful, hard-to-find Catholic children's books, textbooks and classics.
Bethlehem Books
Bethlehem Books is a small, home grown publishing company dedicated to restoring to children and families a treasury of wholesome, character-building literature.
Harmony Media
Harmony Media carries Catholic books and materials, as well as software for adults and children.
Neumann Press
Neumann Press publishes orthodox, traditional, and classic Catholic books that have gone out of print and provides quality books that are beautiful, pleasing to read and that will stand the test of time and usage. Neumann Press also carries Catholic school and homeschool textbooks, readers, workbooks, history books, novels, and story books for ages pres-school through high school.
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education

In this book, Laura Berquist offers a curriculum based on the philosophy of the classical Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This valuable tools helps home educators craft a liberal arts curriculum that is good for both the soul and the intellect. The material in the book covers grades K-12 and has detailed and practical advice. There is also a section for a high school curriculum and a list of resources. 

Looking for Another State?
Featured Resources

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A History of Science
A History of Science is not a textbook, but is a guide to help parents and children study science through literature. It is intended for children in elementary grades.
A Reason For® Handwriting
A Reason For® Handwriting provides a fun, meaningful approach to developing effective handwriting skills. Each lesson is built around a Scripture verse chosen not only for proper letter combinations, but also inspirational content. “Border Sheets” encourage students to share God's Word with others. You'll find product information about A Reason For® Handwriting here.
Better Late Than Early: A New Approach to Your Child's Education
In this book, Raymond and Dorothy Moore look at the research behind learning styles for children. The message of slowing down and responding to your child's readiness is a welcome contrast to the common practice of pushing young children through the system. They conclude that the best environment for children to learn is at home. 
I Learn Better by Teaching Myself/Still Teaching Ourselves
Take a look at how a homeschooling mother learned to trust her children-and herself-to learn in new ways. Tag along on the journey from the elementary years through high school as this book explore the success and freedom of unstructured learning. These books are especially good for anyone wrestling with the question of "how much structure should there be in a homeschool?"
Montessori Reading
Montessori Reading is a beginning reading and writing program for elementary aged children. This series of books introduce phonetic letter sounds, phonogram combinations, reading simple sentences, and reading and writing words that name everyday objects, animals, etc. A teaching guide and a child's journal are included.